Featured CDHi New York Ambassador Khadijah Reed

Featured CDH International’s New York Ambassador is Khadijah Reed. Khadijah is the mother to CDH angel Kassidy.

Khadijah Reed is a tour guide in NYC. In 2013, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Kassidy Jahzara, but because of CDH, her first daughter survived for 10 hours. Kassidy was diagnosed with a left sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia early on in the pregnancy, but not truly understanding the statistic and the genuine nature of the battle, Khadijah did not know what to expect. Kassidy’s core was strong, but her lungs did not develop well and her fight started immediately once she was born, especially because her heart was now on the right side. Kassidy came early and her baby shower turned into a memorial. This is how she found the Cherubs/CDHi website.

Khadijah found out so much information that she did not realize before, and her family and her were able to raise awareness in Kassidy’s name. Cherubs gave her trust that sharing Kassidy’s story can help others and bring awareness to the cause. It’s also a support system, and she was grateful for all the support and warm messages she received after the passing of Kassidy. Khadijah’s family and her continue to celebrate and honor Kassidy in her birthday month to help bring awareness to CDHi. In 2015, Khadijah gave birth to a healthy baby girl, that was not born with CDH. 

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