Featured CDHi South Africa Representative Amanda Dean

Featured CDH International’s South Africa Representative is Amanda Dean. Amanda is the mother to CDH survivor Tristan.

Amanda Dean is the representative for CHERUBS South Africa and mom to survivor, Tristan. He was born in 2001 with CDH and undiagnosed until 6 weeks of age. Tristan had to be rushed to ER with breathing complications and turning blue and after and xray CDH was diagnosed. He had emergency surgery that same day and spent 16 days in NICU. He has minor complications from CDH, which includes asthma. Today he is thriving 19 year old and a top athlete! He is such a kind and humble boy. “I am extremely grateful how things turned out for us, and because of this experience I decided to dedicate my time to assist with awareness and support in South Africa,” Amanda shares.

Amanda works full time in public health. She loves to be creative, it makes her feel alive, especially scrapbooking and paper crafts. She is passionate to help and support others, especially CDH families and families who experience baby loss. Amanda is married to the most amazing man and mom to two of the greatest boys. 

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