Featured Cherub of The Week: Ian McCormick

Featured cherub of the week is CDH survivor Ian McCormick. Ian’s family had the following to share about Ian:

“Ian is 7 years old.  

He was born at All Children’s Hospital in St Pete, FL.

He has DonniaBorrow Syndrome and was born with a CDH along with other complications.   

Ian was born and placed in ECMO at 3 days old.  His CDH was repaired at 2 weeks out of desperation. He needed assistance breathing for his first 3 months. He is a fighter and came home at 5 months. But because of his fragile health and subsequent surgeries he was in and out of the hospital for his first 2 years.  

Ian has been blessed with great health for 5 years and is very strong in body and mind. You would never know unless you see the scares all he has endured.  

He now enjoys playing ball, swimming and all things Mickey.  He is learning and growing everyday and is a blessing.” 

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