Featured CDHi Illinois Ambassador Mindy Doellman

Featured CDH International’s Illinois Ambassador is Mindy Doellman. Mindy is the mom to angel cherub Matthew.

Mindy Doellman is a grandma to two little boys whom she loves with all her heart.  They are the sons to her daughter Danielle, who was 3 when her CDH baby Matthew was born.  She still recalls seeing him in the NICU.  Mindy also has a ‘rainbow baby’ named Joshua.  Joshua was born about 15 months after Matthew passed. 

Mindy is a registered nurse with her master’s and has worked in just about every place imaginable.  Her husband is retired military and recently retired from his second job from a local factory. 

She is currently working for the local high school through their vocational-technical school teaching Juniors and Seniors in the CNA program that is offered through the high school.  Her teaching is prn and on hold related to the coronavirus. Mindy also works as placement specialist and assists with job coaching for a company called Challenge Unlimited, which helps people with disabilities be more productive and independent by finding and assisting with training them in new jobs. 

Mindy moved back to Illinois in 1999 when her husband retired from the military.  Illinois is home to them, her husband and her were both born and raised there.

Mindy hopes to be a support person for other families who are going through the roller coaster ride with their CDH babies.  It’s not easy being a parent to a CDH baby and most people do not understand what all is involved.  Matthew was her main reason for entering Nursing. 

Mindy loves doing family genealogy, playing computer games and doing research for her jobs.  She also loves spending quality time with her family and especially her precious grandsons.  Her backyard is the play center of the area as it contains a large pool and a trampoline.

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