Featured CDH International’s Massachusetts State Representative is Marie Marchesseault. Marie is the mom of a CDH survivor.
Marie Marchesseault is the mother of a daughter who was diagnosed with right-sided CDH in-utero by the amazing medical staff at Mass General Hospital in Boston. She came into this world after a scheduled c-section and had a successful diaphragm repair at 5 days. She went on ECMO for 4 weeks and was in the NICU for two months until she was discharged. Under the watchful care of the MGH staff and with great family support, she was an unusually happy baby in the NICU. Although she did not have any other major complications, she was in and out of the hospital about once per year during her early childhood for respiratory-related issues.
Marie’s husband and son have been an integral part of managing the care and well-being of our CDH child. Marie was able to take an extended maternity leave when her daughter was born and worked part-time for many years while caring for her children. Marie and her family attends Grace Chapel. She currently works full-time in the telecommunications industry and is one of the CHERUBS State Representatives.