Research: Incidental Discovery of a Morgagni Hernia in a 72-Year-Old Woman After COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report


. 2024 Apr 23;16(4):e58799.

 doi: 10.7759/cureus.58799. eCollection 2024 Apr.

Incidental Discovery of a Morgagni Hernia in a 72-Year-Old Woman After COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report

Mouhsin Ibba 1Razouq Boujemaa 1Hicham Fenane 1Yassine Msougar 1

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Morgagni hernia is a rare condition characterized by a congenital retrosternal defect of the diaphragm, leading to the protrusion of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. Here, we report the case of a 72-year-old woman with a Morgagni hernia incidentally discovered during evaluation for persistent dyspnea following COVID-19 pneumonia. The diagnosis was made by imaging, including a chest X-ray and a thoracic CT scan, which showed an ascent of the transverse colon and omentum through an anterior retrosternal defect. Surgical exploration via right posterolateral thoracotomy revealed an anterior diaphragmatic hernia with a small defect containing the greater omentum and transverse colon, which was repaired by resecting the hernia sac and closing the diaphragmatic defect by fixing the anterior rim of the diaphragm to the retrosternal fascia with interrupted silk sutures. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, and follow-up examinations revealed no abnormalities on chest X-rays obtained at one, three, and six months. This case highlights the incidental discovery and successful surgical management of a Morgagni hernia in an elderly patient through a thoracic approach.

Keywords: adult morgagni hernia; congential diaphragmatic hernia; covid-19; diaphragm treatment; lateral thoracotomy; sars-cov-2.

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