Research: Hydrothorax and air fluid levels in the right chest – a diagnostic dilemma

S Afr J Surg

. 2023 Sep;61(3):39-41.

Hydrothorax and air fluid levels in the right chest – a diagnostic dilemma

M Morar 1T B Rangaka 1A B Ogunrombi 1A Abd Elrahman 1

Affiliations expand

  • PMID: 37791713


A diaphragmatic defect that permits abdominal contents to herniate into the right side of the chest is rare. In adults with right-sided diaphragmatic hernias, few occur without a history of trauma, and even fewer are symptomatic. This case report illustrates such a case and the rare entity of an anterolaterally located hernia. Although uncommon and easily missed, consequences of diaphragmatic hernias can be disastrous. The importance of a combination of high clinical suspicion and the use of computed tomography (CT) to aid diagnosis, and the dangers of a surgical condition being incorrectly assessed and admitted to a non-surgical specialty are highlighted in this case.

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