Research: Left-Sided Intra-thoracic Ectopic Kidney With Symptomatic Bochdalek Hernia: A Case Report


. 2024 Jul 26;16(7):e65452.

 doi: 10.7759/cureus.65452. eCollection 2024 Jul.

Left-Sided Intra-thoracic Ectopic Kidney With Symptomatic Bochdalek Hernia: A Case Report

Manasa P 1Isha Shah 1Shiyam Sundaran P 1G Murugan 1

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A congenital defect in the diaphragm, known as a Bochdalek hernia (BH), is a condition that allows herniation of the abdominal viscera into the thorax. BH is the most common type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and is typically detected on the left side. An ectopic kidney is a rare condition. An intra-thoracic ectopic kidney is an extremely uncommon condition. In adult patients, the presence of BH with an intra-thoracic kidney is extremely uncommon and is often a finding discovered unintentionally. A 51-year-old male patient presented to the outpatient unit of the pulmonology department. He stated that he had been suffering symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulties for one year. A chest X-ray showed a well-defined radio-opaque lesion in the lower left zone. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest demonstrated a defect in the posterolateral region of the left hemidiaphragm, as well as herniation of the left kidney and retroperitoneal fat in the left hemithorax. The intra-thoracic ectopic kidney was found to be normal in size and showed normal attenuation and enhancement, with the contrast being promptly excreted into the pelvicalyceal system during CT urography. Due to the hernia’s small size and lack of abnormalities on CT urography, the patient was recommended a conservative treatment. A follow-up examination was performed on the patient annually. Throughout the follow-up period, there was not a single episode of kidney-related issues. To avoid unwanted image-guided biopsies and surgical procedures, it is imperative to look for intra-thoracic kidneys in patients presenting with a thoracic mass or an elevated hemi-diaphragm.

Keywords: bochdalek hernia; congenital diaphragmatic hernia; ct urography; ectopic kidney; intra-thoracic kidney.

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