Win A Movie Prop By Fundraising for CDH International

Fundraise for CDH International and win fabulous prizes!

Contest 1st Round

The person who raises the most money for CDH International via your own FB fundraiser (go ahead, make one and sent end date at January 1st!), will win 2 movie prop swords from the film “The Patriot” for fighting Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia!

2nd and 3rd place in raising money will receive 2 arrows each from the movie “The Last Samurai”!

What great ways to fight CDH!

FACEBOOK DONATION MATCHING at 8:00 am EST on December 3rd!

1st Round of the contest ends on 12:00 pm December 15th so the winner can receive items in time for the holidays.

Contest 2nd Round

The person who raises the most money TOTAL (including for CDH International via your own FB fundraiser (go ahead, make one!), will win 2 movie prop swords from the film “The Patriot” for fighting Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia!

2nd and 3rd place in raising money will receive 2 arrows each from the movie “The Last Samurai”!

2nd Round ends on midnight on New Year’s Eve!


GivingTuesday 2019

Facebook’s match for GivingTuesday 2019 begins at 8:00 AM Eastern Time (5:00 AM Pacific Time) on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.

Donations are matched dollar for dollar on a first-come, first-served basis until $7,000,000 USD in eligible donations are made on Facebook.

Any US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit eligible to receive donations on Facebook can be matched.

Facebook will match up to a total of $100,000 per nonprofit organization.

Each donor can have up to $20,000 in eligible donations matched on #GivingTuesday.

We cover processing fees so that when you donate using Facebook’s payments platform to a nonprofit organization, 100% of your donation goes to support the cause you care about.

You or your supporters can create a fundraiser anytime. We’ll start matching donations on Giving Tuesday starting at 8:00 AM Eastern Time until the $7 million match is met.

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