Research: Life-threatening presentation of a parahiatal hernia after esophagectomy: a case report and review of the literature

 BMJ Case Rep

. 2021 Jun 30;14(6):e242158. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242158.

Life-threatening presentation of a parahiatal hernia after esophagectomy: a case report and review of the literature

Camille Plourde 1Émilie Comeau 2Affiliations expand


A woman presented to our hospital with acute abdominal pain 7 months following an oesophagectomy. A chest X-ray revealed a new elevation of the left diaphragm. CT demonstrated a large left diaphragmatic hernia incarcerated with non-enhancing transverse colon and loops of small bowel. She deteriorated rapidly into obstructive shock and was urgently brought to the operating room for a laparotomy. The diaphragmatic orifice was identified in a left parahiatal position, consistent with a parahiatal hernia. Incarcerated necrotic transverse colon and ischaemic loops of small bowel were resected, and the diaphragmatic defect was closed primarily. Because of haemodynamic instability, the abdomen was temporarily closed, and a second look was performed 24 hours later, allowing anastomosis and definitive closure. Parahiatal hernias are rare complications following surgical procedures and can lead to devastating life-threatening complications, such as an obstructive shock. Expeditious diagnosis and management are required in the acute setting.

Keywords: cardiothoracic surgery; gastrointestinal surgery; general surgery.

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