APEHDia and La vida con Hernia Diafragmática Congénita Awarded First 2 CDH Charity Accreditation Awards

On June 4th, CDH International the first CDH Charity Accreditation Award to the team at La vida con Hernia Diafragmática Congénita at their conference in Barcelona, Spain. Vist their web site at https://www.lavidaconherniadiafragmaticacongenita.org/


On June 23rd, CDH International awarded the second CDH Charity Accreditation Award to Fanny Cauvet Riolland, President of the French organization, APEHDia. Visit their web site at http://www.aphedia.org.

Both organizations are doing incredible work in their respective countries, leading research efforts, conducting themselves professionally and positively and have shown themselves to be team players in the CDH community by building multiple collaborations, creating safe support environments for families, being active members in ACDHO and showing leadership necessary to truly help patients and families affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.  They have gone above and beyond in the few years that both charities have existed and have joined government research initiatives, created documentaries, held full medical conferences for families, and much more.

It is an honor to work with both of these wonderful organizations and we look forward to many more years of collaboration to help families and save patients.


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