CDHi Welcomes Lauren Deitz to Our Patient Advocacy Board

CDH International welcomes Lauren Deitz to our Patient Advocacy Board. Lauren is an adult CDH survivor and a mom to CDH survivor Natalie.

Lauren Deitz is from Maryland, and she lives with her husband, Justin, and their two daughters, Natalie and Morgan. She was previously an elementary teacher but now enjoys being a stay-at-home mom. 

Lauren is an adult CDH survivor who was not diagnosed until she was 10 weeks old, and she had her repair the same day in 1983. She enjoyed a healthy and active childhood and was always participating in sports, especially basketball. Lauren’s oldest daughter, Natalie, is also a CDH survivor and was diagnosed when she was three years old. She has also had one repair when she was four. Natalie is now a healthy 10 years old and enjoys playing basketball as well.

Lauren’s wish is for more research to be done so future generations do not need to be given the devastating diagnosis of CDH. 

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