Featured CDHi Canada Ambassador Kate Soltys

Featured CDH International’s Canada Ambassador is Kate Soltys. Kate is the mother to CDH survivor Jacob.

Kate lives with her partner Mike and their 3 sons in Ontario. Her third son, Jacob was born in 2017 with left sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia at McMaster Children’s Hospital. She received the diagnosis for Jacob after her routine ultrasound at 20 weeks. Jacob spent several months in the NICU at McMaster as well as a few weeks following that in another local hospital. Since being home, Jacob has had a few minor struggles but continues to overcome them. Overall, he is a happy and healthy child. 

Kate holds a degree in Educational Assistant- Special Needs Support. She worked for a local school board as an Educational Assistant for many years before deciding to stay home when her first child was born. She hopes to return to university in the near future to become a Registered Nurse when her youngest goes off to school. It is because of her experience with having a child with CDH, that she has become passionate about helping others.

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