Featured CDHi Michigan Ambassador Leslie Sukup

Featured CDH International’s Michigan Amassador is Leslie Sukup. Leslie is the mother to CDH survivor Sage.

Leslie is a retired military member and a professor at Ferris State University.  She is married and has two young girls.  Her oldest was born in 2014 and her youngest daughter was diagnosed with LCDH at 34 works and was born in December 2016.  Like many parents, she had never heard of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia until her daughter was diagnosed.  Her daughter had her repair surgery seven days after birth and spend almost a month in the NICU.  Her daughter also had emergency bowel obstruction surgery at 3 months old.  Since her youngest daughter’s diagnosis, Leslie has been a strong advocate of learning all she can about CDH so she can spread awareness to everyone around her.  In her spare time, Leslie enjoys gardening, being in nature, and spending time with family.

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