Featured CDHi Texas Ambassador Christie Huff Helmke

Featured CDH International’s Texas Ambassador is Christie Huff Helmke. Christie is the mom to CDH survivor Felix.

Christie is the mother of Felix, a 3 years old boy who was diagnosed with CDH at 20 weeks in the womb. Christie, her husband Joshua and Felix live in DFW, Texas. Christie is a pet stylist and her husband works in Camera/ production media. Felix was diagnosed 20 weeks in the womb with CDH and that is where their journey began. 

When they first found out their son had CDH, there was so much unknown and they remember how scared they were. Christie remembers not knowing where to turn to or who to talk to, they wanted answers, success cases, they never knew CDH even existed and now it will forever be a part of them. Felix is their whole world, he is an energetic, smart, loving young 3 year old. They love spending time with him, exploring new parks and doing fun activities with him. Christie enjoys arts and crafts, being around animals, baking and a good glass of wine.

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