Featured Michigan CDHi Ambassador Ellie Collman

Featured CDH International’s Michigan Ambassador is Ellie Collman. Ellie is the mom to angel Samantha.

Ellie’s second child, Samantha Flora, was born with left-sided CDH in 2016 (diagnosed in-utero during the 20-week ultrasound). She battled it bravely for each of her 47 days of life outside the womb at U of Michigan’s CS Mott Children’s Hospital. The loving care they as a family received from others, especially those who had experience with CDH, was of immeasurable value. Ellie is happy to be a resource for those who have questions or provide encouragement during an intense time dealing with a diagnosis, hospitalization, or grief related to CDH. She has been married to John since 2006. They have one other daughter, born in 2010; a beautiful bright light in the midst of loss. Ellie graduated with an elementary education degree, but mostly these days she is a full time homeschooling mom when she is not spending time with her family or taking care of their two sweet guinea pigs or working on DIY house projects. They live in the Ann Arbor, MI area.

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