Research: Common error traps in anesthesia for neonatal surgical emergencies

Paediatr Anaesth

. 2024 Nov 6.

 doi: 10.1111/pan.15029. Online ahead of print.

Common error traps in anesthesia for neonatal surgical emergencies

Tyler Morrissey 1Fiona Taverner 2 3Anthony Sawyer 4Kim Strupp 1

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Neonatal surgical emergencies are challenging, often high-risk procedures for the pediatric anesthesiologist. Though each emergency presents different anesthetic challenges, several error traps exist that are common to all procedures in this patient population. These error traps include errors in surgical timing, airway management, maintenance of normothermia and normoglycemia, and recognition of pharmacologic and physiologic differences. In this narrative review, we will discuss each error trap to aid the clinician in recognizing, planning for, and mitigating adverse events.

Keywords: cognitive bias; congenital diaphragmatic hernia; drug metabolism; error traps; hypoglycemia; hypothermia; neonatal airway; neonatal surgical emergencies; pyloric stenosis; tracheoesophageal fistula.

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