Research: Rare complication after pericardial window: symptomatic diaphragmatic hernia containing bowel and liver

BMJ Case Rep

. 2020 Nov 30;13(11):e236078. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-236078.

Rare complication after pericardial window: symptomatic diaphragmatic hernia containing bowel and liver

Rebecca Harsten 1Mark Kelly 2Madeleine Garner 2Peter Roberts 3Affiliations expand


A 37-year-old woman presented to her local district general hospital with a cough, pleuritic chest pain and intermittent cyanosis. Eight months prior, she underwent a successful pericardial window for recurrent, symptomatic pericardial effusions. On presentation she was hypoxic but haemodynamically stable. Her chest radiograph raised the suspicion of a diaphragmatic hernia, confirmed by CT imaging. This identified herniation through the diaphragm of the transverse colon and left lobe of the liver resulting in cardiac compression and right ventricular dysfunction. She continued to deteriorate and required emergency intubation to allow safe transfer to a tertiary upper gastrointestinal unit. She underwent a laparotomy and repair of the diaphragmatic hernia with an uneventful inpatient recovery. In the literature, diaphragmatic liver herniation is a recognised complication secondary to trauma or congenital defects, however, to our knowledge, there are currently no cases described following pericardial windowing.

Keywords: adult intensive care; cardiothoracic surgery; gastrointestinal surgery; mechanical ventilation; pericardial disease.

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