Shelly Poston on This Week’s CDH Radio Show

Join us this week as Shelly Poston shares her son’s journey on the CDH Radio Show, after Micah was diagnosed with CDH.

Tune in at 6:00 pm EST, November 2, 2021 to

Listen to archives of the radio show at

At 20 week gestation, Shelly went to her doctor for the gender revel and were told they were having another boy. She was excited, but then were told they found a spot on his lung. “They couldn’t give us more information than that. They made us an appointment with a Peranatologist. The longest 2 weeks ever! They finally called us in for a 4D scan of Micah and an amniocentesis. The Dr. was so determined that Micah would have lots of other complications and asked us to terminate our pregnancy. We quickly said NO!!!! Micah in fact had the diagnosis of CDH. I immediately went into research mode to find out what this was and what I needed to do for our son,” Shelly shared with CDHi.

Micah was delivered in Little Rock, AR due to needing a hospital equipped with ECMO. Shelly’s care was transferred to UAMS at 38 weeks. She shares with us, “had Micah via C-section and was immediately transported to Children’s Hospital on a oscillating vent. At 13-hours old he was placed on ECMO. We spent 31 days on ECMO and 9 months in the NICU. We had the best nurses and doctors. There were lots of ups and downs. Times we didn’t know if he would make it through the night. 25 surgeries, on and off the vent due to his pulmonary hypertension. They transferred him to PICU and that is where we celebrated his first birthday and got his trach. After we were there 3 months, we went to Infant Toddler Unit where we transitioned to a home vent and after 14 months we finally went home. Only for that to be short lived he plugged off with his trach when his nurse fell asleep. Went back to the hospital for his 2nd Christmas in the hospital.”

On January 4, 2011, Micah came home again! The family moved to Arkansas to Louisiana to have all the family together, including their sons Ryan and Kolton, and for the best care for Micah. “We had amazing home health nurses and the best team. We were trying to make everything home like the best we could. Nurses in and out. Kids in school. Hubby working a lot! I was home with home health to make sure Micah’s transition was the best it could be,” Shelly shares.

Shelly goes on to share Micah’s last day on this earth, “on a Wednesday morning after shift change, kids were already at school and hubby at work; evening nurse came in early to help me with Micah’s care. We were doing our lunch routine, trach care, bath, breathing treatments, and play time Micah for wanted to play. So, we transition him to his trach table to change his diaper. He kept looking at me and blowing me kisses. I said I love you baby boy! I am so glad you are finally home……he looked at me one last time and blew me kisses and waved goodbye. That was all, no warning, no signs, no reason. Poof! He was in the arms of Jesus that fast. We called 911 and transported him to the hospital and I remember my hubby being at my side at the hospital. There is so much of that day that is a blur. My beloved Micah was with Jesus, and I could not bring him back.”

Life has changed so much so much since Micah grew his wings. The Poston family went on to adopt two kids, a girl who is now 24 years old and in clinicals for Respiratory Therapy and got married this past December 2020 and a son who is 5. Shelly shares, “he tells me everyday he is my gift from Jesus, and Micah. He is so fun and reminds me daily, how blessed I am with what God has given me back. I am so thankful for my CHERUBS family. I hope I can help from now on. I am so thankful you all remember my baby boy. Micah will always be in my heart and forever be remembered!”

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