The new Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Phone App is now available!
CDH International has created the go to App for the Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia community!
Apple Store –
Google Play –

We included as much as possible as we could in this ground-breaking App, including:
- CDH Parent Reference Guide
- CDH Apps for Pediatric Surgeons
- The CDH Patient Registry
- CDH Research Studies
- CDH Research Library
- CDHi Social Platform – NEW**
- Patient Forums
- Patient Family Resources
- Latest CDH News
- CDH Awareness Shop
- CDH Awareness Information
- CDH Intentional Information
- Ways To Help
- In App Donations
- Event Calendar
- Social Media Links
- much more!
Our App works with iPhones, Android phones, Tablets and your desktop computer.
The App is free to everyone. You must have a (free) membership to log into certain sections of the App. Join at