CDHi Presents” Dear Nicholas Sparks” Book to Famous Author

On October 3, 2021, CDH International President, Dawn Ireland, and volunteer, Sara Hall, met with the legendary author, Nicholas Sparks, to present him with the book “Dear Nicholas Sparks”, written several years ago.

Dear Nicholas Sparks: A charity writes 365 letters to author Nicholas Sparks to raise Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness.

It took 5 years, 4 meetings, 365 letters and a lot of waiting and cancellations due to hurricanes, pandemics and more to get this book into his hands finally. And he loved it. 💛💗💙 CDH International has kept our promise to these families to get that book published and to him, now it’s up to Nicholas Sparks to decide what to do next.

We are grateful that he’s been so kind and responsive all these years to this crazy scheme trying to give these kids a voice much louder than ours. He’s always listened and been willing to learn about CDH. We hope to meet again and work together for these kids.

Click here to purchase the book on Amazon.

Click here to purchase the book at your local Wal-Mart.

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