Featured CDH International Washington Ambassador: Hayden Dorner

Featured CDH International’s Washington State Ambassador is Hayden Dorner. Hayden is the mom to cherub Henry.

“My name is Hayden Dorner and I’m from Wenatchee, Washington. My son was born with undiagnosed RCDH, full liver and bowel in chest. My dream in life was to become a mom, but after I had my son I almost didn’t get the chance. I gave birth in a small town labor and delivery ward, doctors gave Henry a 5% chance of living long enough to get to Seattle Children’s. I was encouraged to hold him while he passed. He was on ECMO 11 days, developed bleeding in the brain, had two surgeries, and came home from Seattle Children’s Hospital as a happy, healthy 4 month old. Before Henry, I was a Preschool Teacher, now I take care of Henry full time. I’ll soon be going back to college to provide a better life for us in the future. CDH taught me to enjoy the little things, accept the bad things, and to never give up hope.”

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