CDHi Collaborates with 1000’s of Patient Families and Doctors on New CDH Parent Reference Guide

CDH International is currently in the last stages of the production of the new CDH Parent Reference Guide.

This guide was put together through various materials to update our old PRG, reviewed by the CHERUBS Parent Advisory Board.

Thousands of CDH patients and families are invited to give their input on this new guide by reading and commenting at CHERUBS Facebook Group:

Or on the CDH Forums at

You must be an official member of the charity to gain access to this document and give your feedback. This is for the safety and confidentiality of our members and our materials. Membership is free at

Our Boards have looked over this and now it’s time for your input. Please add comments, suggestions, etc.

What is missing that YOU needed to read at the time of diagnosis? What questions did you want to ask? What would have helped you more?

This document will be up for review for several weeks and then will be edited and reviewed by the CDHi Medical Advisory Board and the Executive Board of Directors before publication.

We want to create the first CDH guide that is a collaboration by all our families and all 3 of our boards – not just something that we and the doctors are giving patient families. Help us to help future CDH families!

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